Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Four Months!

25 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
13.28 lbs (25th percentile)


Owen has managed to catch his first cold, 10 days into daycare. He seems to be handling it like a champ. He had a little fever but it only lasted a day. Poor thing has a terrible cough and a boogery nose.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fun with the Cousins!

Uncle Jeremy and Owen

The best attempt at getting 3 kids going the same way...

Emma looking a picture of Baba skiing and playing with my phone.

A funny little elf


The Evans clan came for a visit last weekend. We had lots of fun at the park. Jeremy finally got to hold Owen. When we saw him over Christmas, Owen was getting snuggled on by everyone but Jeremy. He finally got his chance!

First Day of School!

Owen is growing up! He started "school" on March 1. We both really like his daycare and feel comfortable with the ladies looking after him. They are always super nice when I call to check on him...