Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3 Months Old!

Dear Owen,

This has been a very exciting month for you! Mommy has gone back to work. It was a tough thing to do. I cried for a while- even once I got to work! My students were very happy to have me back and I was glad to see them but it still broke my heart to leave you behind. Luckily Nanny came to stay with you to help ease my transition. Do you know that I called her 3 times a day to check on you? Grammy is here now and she is looking after you for the next 2 weeks.

So, what have you been up to? Here are a few of our observations:
  • Your chin quiver is disappearing. We may get to see it only a few times a week!
  • You have terrible gas pains. When they are bothering you, you really are upset. You can scream and cry so loud! I called the doctor and now we are giving you gas drops with your meals.
  • You are playing with your toys more. You can even pick them up! You like your sock monkey a lot. It makes you smile.
  • Mommy and Daddy finally let you sleep the night in your room. You seem to like it- you are not waking up at night.
  • You like to put your hand in your mouth. I think you get frustrated when you can't get any food out of it...
  • You have new vocalizations that you like to experiment with- I love your little baby voice. Hopefully we can get it recorded before it's too late.
  • Bedtime is a breeze. You like your books and you still like to be swaddled. You prefer 12 hours of sleep but we have to wake you up to get you situated before we leave for work.
Loving you is so easy! Your sweet smiles and little dimples are the best.

Happy 3 months!

Mommy and Daddy

Friday, February 12, 2010

Going back to work

Those aren't tears. Really. Well, maybe just a few...

Happy Baby!

Owen loves cousin Claire!

A bundle of love!

Happy 12 weeks Owen!

Nanny and Owen


Well, this day finally came. It was the day I had been dreading since Owen was born- the day I returned to work. The tears began in the shower and ended about 30 minutes into my school day. I was lucky that I could ease into things because my mom came to town to watch him. She was here for a week, helping out around the house, answering my phone calls in the middle of the day, and loving on Owen. It was an exciting week! Adjusting to my new schedule, feeding the baby and getting out of the house, and not getting to sleep whenever I wanted was tough. Bedtime came early and so did mornings. It was great to have mom helping us out.

Darcy came up with the girls to celebrate Owen's 12th week birthday. I'm not sure if that's one that is officially celebrated but we sure blew it out in honor of Owen. The week ended with a grand "snow storm". Yes, we probably got 2 inches of snow. Not a lot by most people's standards, but for us here in Atlanta, it was quite an event. Chris' mom comes in tomorrow to take over baby duties for the next 2 weeks. Going back to work hasn't been as bad as I thought. Of course, I'd rather be home with Owen, but knowing he's in good hands for the first few weeks of leaving him, makes it easier. Hopefully, I will be good and adjusted by the time we have to send him to daycare .

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Play time

Mr. Serious Face. He needed a tough look to rock that mohawk.

Not a great photo, but you can see the smiles he is giving the toys he's talking to. The owl seems to be his best friend.

Strolling around town

Tummy time! When he gets tired of holding his head up he just lays it down on his hands until he has rested enough.

Holding on to his rattle to make some noise!

Owen is getting a lot more interactive with the world around him. He is noticing the toys on the bouncy seat and on his play mat. He talks to them and cracks jokes that are apparently very funny. I'm so glad they speak coos and babbles so Owen feels validated. We are still trying to learn the language of coos and babbles. We all know the universal smile and it melts our hearts when we get a good one out of him. You know the smile, the one where the eyes glow, the head turns slightly and the whole body moves with the beginnings of a giggle. Best. Baby. Smiles. EVER.