Dear Sweet Owen,
You are 7 months old! It's so hard to believe. I know I say it every month, but time is really flying by.
Here are a few of your highlights:
- You have 2 bottom teeth! They are just starting to poke through but they are there for sure.
- You are hard to keep down these days. You can crawl just about anywhere you want. You are also pulling up to standing. You can hang out in the standing position for a bit but you fall on your cute little bum after a few seconds.
- You are eating just about anything we feed you. You like the onions sautéed in chicken stock with potatoes and peas. You also like the sweet potatoes, white beans, and ginger. I am not sure which fruit you like best. You gobble up peaches, strawberries, and papaya with great excitement. You have started working on picking up your Cheerios. If you manage to get them to your mouth, you gag. Not such a fan yet, but all this practice is helping you with your motor skills.
- You are still sleeping 12 hours through the night. We love that.
- You are playing with your toys a lot. We got you a little xylophone that you seem to be enjoying. So far you seem to have inherited my lack of rhythm but there's still hope. You are, after all, only 7 months old.
- You love your cousins Claire and Emma. We just got back from a visit with them and you had a blast. You really seemed to have gotten a lot stronger and braver overnight. I'm not sure if that is a defense mechanism or if you just were inspired by how much the girls can already do.
- You love to babble and talk. You make lots of fun noises.
I hope you are having as much fun with us as we are having with you.
Mom and Dad
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